понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.

Sadler & Dorchester Re-Launches Brand with New Name, New Logo, New Website. - Education Letter

Sadler & Dorchester, a full-service marketing and advertising firm, announced that it is changing its name to S&D. The new name reflects the brand's evolution from a small regional advertising firm, to a multi-industry, multi-disciplinary marketing and advertising firm that services clients across the country.

'In fourteen years we've had tremendous growth and have become very well known, particularly, within the cable industry. Eventually, our clients and industry friends began to refer to us simply as S&D,' says Ronda Dorchester, President. http://www.linkedin.com/pub/ronda-dorchester/6/238/543

'Since we now serve many different industries and provide a multitude of services, we feel the shortened brand name is easier for our clients and others to remember us by in this fast-paced world. With our new name, we've also launched a new logo and a new website, www.sd-advertising.com. We invite everyone to take a look at our new look.'

S&D is still owned and operated by Lorie Sadler and Ronda Dorchester, who partnered to start the firm in 1997. They grew their company by providing uncompromising personal service with a 'jump right on it' responsiveness. Their unusual operational model of hiring specialists and creative teams on an as-needed basis is one that is now being used by agencies worldwide since it is incredibly cost effective for clients as well as the organization. S&D's clients include Comcast, NBC Universal, Cox Communications, Colorado Department of Education, Centura Health at Home and many others.

'We're proud of our history, but very excited about our future as S&D. The marketing and advertising industries have experienced unparalleled change made possible by new technology, social media and changing consumer demographics. Our next chapter as S&D will be about harnessing the power of all communication venues to help our clients continue to grow and thrive,' concluded Dorchester.

Keywords: Government Agencies.

This article was prepared by Education Letter editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2011, Education Letter via VerticalNews.com.